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Tag Archives: Food

What do we know about omega-6?

Consider limiting plant oils high in omega-6 as well as processed foods that contain these plant oils, which include: Both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, meaning that you need some of them in your diet because your body can’t produce them

Health Benefits of Avocado Oil.

Avocado oil is delicious, nutritious, and easy to use. It’s rich in oleic acid, polyunsaturated fats, carotenoids, and other antioxidant-rich nutrients. That are linked to improved heart, skin and eye health. Rich in oleic acid, a very healthy fat. Avocado oil is the natural oil

Healthy oils.

Healthy oils. The type of oil used for frying heavily influences the health risks associated with fried foods. Some oils can withstand much higher temperatures than others and are therefore safer to use. Generally speaking, oils that consist mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats are

Fried foods are high in calories.

Compared to other cooking methods, deep frying adds a lot of calories. Fried foods are typically coated in batter or flour before being fried. And when foods are fried in oil, they lose water and absorb fat. Ehich further increases their calorie content . Generally speaking,

Foods to lower cholesterol that are easy to find.

As already mentioned If you change your diet, it may help reduce bad cholesterol. It also has a positive effect on cardiovascular and cardiovascular health. Examples of foods that lower cholesterol include:  1. Avocado  Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, or good fats, and dietary fiber. Research suggests

What are the benefits of running ?

Running is a useful exercise. Helps promote blood circulation in the body. Helps increase the activity of enzymes and hormones that help stimulate the muscles and heart to work more efficiently. The heart will be able to pump blood well and help the muscles use oxygen more efficiently.

Using paracetamol.

For safety in using paracetamol Drug users should strictly follow the instructions of their doctor, pharmacist, or drug label for your health. Paracetamol is a medicine that can be used without a doctor’s prescription. Each dose should be taken every 4–6 hours. And the amount should not